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City Sky

MP Consults

Megan Pascoe



I am a qualified Social Worker with more than 25 years’ experience working alongside children and families in statutory settings.


​I have worked in services across metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria, New South Wales and London / United Kingdom. My work has incorporated crisis work, training and case management within Child Protection, Adoption & Fostering, and Parenting Education & Assessment programs.


Highly skilled at report writing and in providing evidence to the Court, i have expertise across issues such as family violence, substance abuse, mental health, housing, disability, out of home care and trauma.


​I am passionate about infants and children; particularly in supporting them to maximise their developmental potential.


I am currently working as a Family Report Writer. A Family Report is an independent family assessment that assists you and the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia in making decisions about your children. Family Reports are generally ordered when a case is progressing to a final hearing. I undertake these reports both on a public and private basis.


I also provide private Child Impact Reports (short form reports) on a private basis. These reports are generally undertaken earlier in proceedings, to determine interim issues.


In preparing these types of reports, I will consider your children’s experiences and development, your family circumstances and other issues relevant to the matter. I will then evaluate and make recommendations for arrangements that will best meet your children’s future care, welfare and developmental needs.


Please contact me via my website to discuss the referral process and my fees. 




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